Husband is threatening to sell his wife’s car over her newly developed fear of driving on a highway.
Dear Eric: I am a 63-year-old female who has been married for 45 years to a wonderful man. We’ve been blessed with a great ...
DEAR ERIC: My husband and I dated long distance for a year before we married. During this time, he told me he had post-SSRI ...
I am a 63-year-old female who has been married for 45 years to a wonderful man. We’ve been blessed with a great relationship ...
I no longer have anything in common with them except the length of time that we’ve known each other. I would like to withdraw ...
Dear Eric: I am the oldest of three and my parents are in their late 70s. I have two daughters, 32 and 28, as well as many ...
These two always insist that we get together as a group four times a year, usually around birthdays. It is always a headache ...
Dear Eric: My husband and I have been married 12 years and have known each other for 17. Both of our previous spouses passed, ...
Dear Eric: I don’t know if you are interested in follow-up letters, but here goes. I’m the grandma who was told she was ...
I don’t know if you are interested in follow-up letters, but here goes. I’m the grandma who was told she was folding her ...
Although I have been able to meet her and her lovely family members once, my subsequent overtures via phone and email have ...
Dear Eric: I have a group of three girlfriends from middle school/high school. We stayed close during college and were in ...