Utah Supreme Court, gerrymandering
Progressives groups are launching campaigns to try to make the Supreme Court a galvanizing issue for voters in November.
At the close of one of the most consequential and least constitutional terms in the Supreme Court’s history, it’s hard to ...
To get a federal official impeached, you have to go through both the House and Senate. Have these checks and balances ever ...
His legal team argues the case should be void due to presidential immunity; sentencing still scheduled for Sept. 18 ...
Last week the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Trump v United States that presidents have broad immunity from criminal ...
Only one Supreme Court Justice has ever been impeached. Here’s how the process works and what happened the only time it ...
West Virginia and Idaho are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review rulings that blocked the enforcement of state laws ...
The justices facilitated government and corporate corruption by weakening laws and regulations affecting the environment, ...
Small-business owners have lots of aggravations. The U.S. Supreme Court just added to their burden. The Court’s ...
The Utah Supreme Court’s ruling on Thursday, which handed a major win to plaintiffs in an anti-gerrymandering lawsuit, was a ...
The Washington Supreme Court ruled against a homeless man who said city officials violated his travel rights by not letting ...
Baltimore Sun columnist Dan Rodricks seems to have forgotten — or neglected to include in his column — the somewhat important ...