There are all sorts of rumors and conspiracy theories about what the US military gets up to behind closed doors. We may not ...
With this in mind, this list looks at some of the most egregious war films of the 20th century. The following ten movies have all earned their place in the cinematic Hall of Shame, whether due to ...
This issue is preventing our website from loading properly. Please review the following troubleshooting tips or contact us at [email protected]. By submitting your ...
The diffusion of technology means U.S. military superiority must come not just from the weapons it has but also from how it ...
MacArthur alone among them fought in all of America’s major 20th-century wars as a general — World War I, World War II, and Korea — and he was the most versatile military figure since Ulysses S.
The recent whirlwind of Trump administration foreign policy measures―many reversing those of the Biden ...
The course examines the nature of the Cold War system, the theories of its origins, causes and consequences, its relationship to systemic change and the reasons for its end. The course will provide a ...
During the 19th century the British fought minor wars in Africa to secure British control of colonial territories. These included the: Ashanti Wars in West Africa. Matabele Wars in South Africa.
By Diane Abbott. Thatcherism and the End of the Post-War Consensus by Dennis Kavanagh 20th Century Britain: The Woman's Hour by Jenni Murray ...