How well do you remember this detail from Steven Spielberg's masterpiece?
I f there’s one thing you never want to see in the water while out for a swim — it’s a Great White Shark! Diver Fabian ...
TERRIFYING footage shows the moment a group of fishermen wrestled a great white shark back into the water after catching it.
Anglers surf fishing North Carolina’s Outer Banks caught and released a massive great white shark on March 16.
The now-extinct megalodon shark may have been larger than first believed, reaching lengths of 80 feet (24.3 meters), ...
Fishermen were in for the greatest catch of their lives along the North Carolina coast. Video along the shores of Frisco on ...
A wild video shows North Carolina fishermen catching a huge great white shark that drifted ashore in an unincorporated ...
A team of surf fishermen reeled in a great white shark on a beach on Hatteras Island, North Carolina, on Saturday, March 15.