an optimized Distributed Pumping system was designed with the following specification: 10°F chilled water Delta T 1 new water-cooled chiller 1 new cooling tower The new chilled water system includes: ...
UVC LED-based solutions present an ideal solution to maintain water quality in these active cooling systems. As a solid-state ...
This project will install a new cooling tower at Wade Utility Plant and a dedicated chilled water main to south campus. This project also includes seven smaller chilled water system reliability and ...
When energy costs go up, building managers turn off their pricey chillers and use the ice ... to big commercial buildings with central cooling systems and extra storage space for a giant vat ...
We are excited to host this upcoming webinar dedicated to those who manage any building facility. We will discuss solutions to the age-old water-cooled chilled water plant problems.” - Terry McTigue, ...