Greenland sharks are thought to have lifespans that can reach 400 years. Building upon previous work, University of Tokyo-led ...
Scientists decided to survey deep-sea dogfish sharks off the coast of India ... “They have two spines, one in front of each dorsal fin, that secrete a mild venom. These sharp spines serve ...
Now, they can add three more to their list. In a new study published in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science, researchers studying deep-sea sharks reveal that three species of sharks found off ...
"Instead of having to compete with all the other warm coastal shallow shark species, they can extend their reach into the deep sea so that way they can hunt both shallow and in the deep sea when ...
In February, researchers from conservation organisation Condrik Tenerife were about two kilometres off the coast of Tenerife ...
Deep below the surface of the ocean in the South China Sea, a robot named “discovery” searched the seafloor for life. Faxian, ...
(CN) — Technically speaking, scalloped hammerhead sharks hold their breath during deep dives ... making an already strenuous activity more dangerous. And deep sea mining and twilight zone fishing, ...
The ocean holds many bizarre deep-sea monsters. As you dive 140 meters underwater, you might see a megamouth shark. Sure, they look scary, but those 50 rows of teeth are for filtering krill.
“When we get into the deep sea, we're discovering new species. By nature, they are typically only found in very niche habitats, because if they were common we would have found them in the past.
Found in shallow and deep waters ... far out to sea in temperate and tropical waters worldwide, except the Mediterranean. Often referred to as “dustbins of the ocean” Tiger sharks are known ...