S ome see Joshua Tree as just another desert landscape, but others swear it is a spiritual vortex with an energy unlike ...
You'll be amazed by the ways desert birds survive and thrive in dry country. Learn about the bird species that live in ...
A new fuzzy plant species called the "Wooly Devil" has been discovered amongst the arid landscapes of Big Bend National Park in Texas.
For a plant, life in Argentina’s Monte Desert is hard enough. Daily temperatures can fluctuate dramatically; it rarely rains, and there are few nutrients in the parched soil for a hungry plant. To add ...
Scientists used terahertz imaging to study agave plants' water storage. Findings could improve drought-resistant crops.
Knowledgeable docents will be available to share information on desert gardening techniques, plant selection and irrigation ...
A volunteer spotted the tiny, fuzzy plant with maroon florets while exploring the remote northern corner of Big Bend National ...
Arizona's enchanting landscapes, where the rugged desert meets the majestic mountains, boast over 4,000 native plants, adding ...