Farmers who have endured the challenges caused by drought and severe weather conditions are on the verge of receiving a game-changing solution. As explained by Reuters, the United States ...
It would help consumers cope with inflation and pay their food bills. So why aren’t we growing genetically modified wheat? We’re asking this question again because of the news from South ...
The world is ready for genetically modified wheat and its better yields. On May 6, Australia and New Zealand approved imports of genetically modified wheat, even though it is not widely grown.
Genetic tests by the USDA determined that the wheat matches MON71800, also called Roundup Ready wheat, a glyphosate-resistant wheat developed by biotech company Monsanto. No genetically engineered ...
and genetically modified organisms (GMO) for three years and agrees to periodic on-site inspections. Last May, an Oregon farmer reported herbicide-resistant wheat growing in his field. Lab tests ...
The headlines in world grain markets have been dominated by interpretations of the impact of various tariffs and ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has confirmed the discovery of unapproved, genetically modified (GM) wheat plants growing in an un-planted agricultural field in Washington state. There was no ...
A federal government investment of $480,000 will be used by research and development corporation Agrifutures Australia to ...