The news seems full of companies abandoning remote and hybrid work, requiring their employees to come to the office five days a week. You may wonder if your company should follow suit. Instead of ...
Furr, Nathan, and Daniel Snow. "The Prius Approach: How Hybrid Technologies Help Companies Survive Disruption and Shape the Future." Harvard Business Review 93, no. 11 (November 2015): 103–109.
Timothy J. Rowley and Laurence Capron Iavor Bojinov, David Holtz, Ramesh Johari, Sven Schmit and Martin Tingley Anton Skornyakov A roundup of Harvard Business Review’s most popular ideas and advice.
Battilana, Julie, Marya Besharov, and Bjoern Mitzinneck. "On Hybrids and Hybrid Organizing: A Review and Roadmap for Future Research." Chap. 5 in The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism.
Davenport, Thomas H., and Brook Manville. Judgment Calls: Twelve Stories of Big Decisions and the Teams That Got Them Right. Harvard Business Review Press, 2012. (Publisher's Weekly Top 10 Business ...