The State Department notified Congress this week of a potential $200 million foreign military sale to support Japan’s Hyper ...
Japan has stepped up its sales pitch for Australia’s $10bn general purpose frigates program, sending one of its Mogami-class ...
The Carl Vinson is the first U.S. carrier to visit Busan since the USS Theodore Roosevelt docked there on June 24. Days later ...
According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, a state's sovereignty ends after the 12 nautical miles of its territorial sea. The U.S. and its allies have deployed their navies to ...
Was a great big fight going on? No, said the Secretary. But the Japanese had announced sinking two battleships in an air-sea clash off Rennell Island (TIME, Feb. 8). That certainly sounded like a ...
YONAGUNI/NAHA (Okinawa) – A Chinese buoy placed south of Yonaguni Island, Japan’s westernmost point located just 111km from Taiwan, is now a simmering cause of diplomatic friction despite ...