Here, you'll find those same emerald-green landscapes and beautiful waters, but with the added benefit of deep crater lakes ...
The US State Department has included the consulate in Ponta Delgada, in the Azores, on a list of 12 diplomatic posts to be ...
Fly to the Azores with TAP Air Portugal from dozens of cities in the ... In case you’re wondering, São Jorge is a neighboring island to São Miguel. This beach is just too good to pass up ...
Because of its remote location, direct flights to the Azores from destinations outside Portugal are limited ... Terceira and São Jorge are central islands, and Flores and Corvo are western ...
Pico is the second-largest island of the Azores. It's home to Portugal's tallest mountain ... towering cliffs on other Azorean islands, São Jorge's stand out thanks to the island's geography.
Um sismo de magnitude 4,0 foi sentido na madrugada desta sexta-feira nos Açores, mais concretamente nas ilhas de São Jorge e Faial. De acordo com o Centro de Informação e Vigilância Sismovulcânica dos ...
Região bate recordes absolutos em todos os itens turísticos, reforça conetividade aérea, e tem projetos de grande escala para garantir atividade todo o ano e em todas as ...