This incredible 374.5-square-mile island holds the title of the world's largest artificial island, covering an area twice the ...
Where would you find the largest Sea lock in the world I hear you ask? Why, in the Netherlands of course!In an ideal world ...
In recent years, the threat of rising sea levels has become a pressing concern for many coastal cities worldwide. As global ...
Almost 500 breaches were punched in flood-control dikes, allowing the North Sea to spill into Zeeland ... animals died from the floods in the Netherlands, alone. I n neighboring Belgium ...
Vergunst believes that climate communication should reach everyone—not from an activist perspective, but out of fairness. “Sea level rise affects us all. People have a right to understand the issue ...
Behind The Dikes: The 1969 Netherlands Recordings is the first official release of pianist Bill Evans with Eddie Gomez and Marty Morell captured live in Hilversum and Amsterdam in 1969. The Hilversum ...