On January 7, Christmas is celebrated by the Russian, Georgian, Jerusalemite, Polish and Serbian Orthodox churches, the Athos monasteries in Greece, as well as the Eastern Catholic Church and the ...
Tribune-Review Friday, Jan. 11, 2019 9:13 a.m. | Friday, Jan. 11, 2019 9:13 a.m. Worshipers gathered at St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Monroeville to ...
Nik Lukich is a trustee at the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Sydney and has been celebrating Christmas alongside the hundreds of millions of Orthodox Christians worldwide. The Orthodox ...
Christmas in Serbia is aligned to the Julian calendar ... The build up to Christmas begins on 28 November with advent, when Orthodox Christians enter into a 40-day fast that excludes meat, dairy ...
Peace, love and unity are the guiding principles at a city church where Ukrainians and Russians have joined together to celebrate Orthodox Christmas. The Serbian Church of Holy Prince Lazar in ...