"Of the larger sharks species, we generally get hammerheads. I have only seen one or two tiger sharks." Here's what he thinks happened.
As one of the divers with Nascimento opened a crate of fish to toss to several tiger sharks, one of them snapped at the diver holding a camera. The shark kept biting and eventually partially ...
Dad-of-two Curtis Miller needed 91 stitches after his brush with a 300lb shark during a fishing 'trip of a lifetime' with ...
A BRITISH dad was left bloodied after being bitten by a whopping 300lb shark in a horror attack while on a fishing “trip of a ...
After several bites, the tiger shark captured the diver’s camera in its mouth. The device kept recording as the fish attempted to swallow the camera getting a close look at its gills and razor ...
People don't need to be put off by my accident. The trip was a once-in-a lifetime opportunity, and I will most definitely ...
The search continues for Paul Barning, who was pulled overboard while taking part in a game-fishing competition off the coast of Newcastle on Sunday.
Points depend on the species of the game fish and their size. Among the shark species eligible for points are Blue, Smooth Hammerhead, Mako, Porbeagle, Thresher, Tiger, Great White and Whaler ...
10-foot tiger shark washed ashore in Jensen Beach Lifeguards could not confirm social media reports of a second shark. Anglers likely caught and released the shark near shore. Shark fishing is ...