The findings of a new global study on urban rainfall patterns underscore the importance for metropolitan areas to adapt to human-altered climate.
Climate and energy get little acknowledgement in most political debates. But there are plenty of questions for both Trump and ...
Local campaigners link climate change with rate hikes, targeting investor-owned utilities and public regulators.
In Strawberry, Arizona, a lack of community outreach and confusion over how drought was impacting the water district sparked ...
The World Wildlife Fund is exploring what it would take for farms in, Mississippi and Arkansas to become a new mecca for ...
The Florida grasshopper sparrow was near extinction only a few years ago. The recent release of the 1,000th captive-raised ...
The state has identified hundreds of thousands of homes that will need to be abandoned. But at one flagship buyout, only one ...
While environmentalists say the new rule doesn’t do enough to protect groundwater, oil and gas operators are contesting ...
Experts say the causes are still unclear, but the change is consistent with a warming world. The effects on the ground could ...
Oil and gas companies often help fund climate research on campuses. But these ties could pose major—and often ...
A global survey suggests 88 percent of people are worried about the state of nature, but such polling says nothing about ...
Lawrence Berkeley Lab published a trove of data last week as part of the annual “Tracking the Sun” report on customer-owned ...