Did Jesus love the adulteress and the prostitute? Absolutely. There are two remarkable stories showing how Jesus cared for all types of people. The religious folks called the Pharisees in the time of ...
For those, like myself, who are not from a highly-liturgical denomination, it may come as a surprise that June 11 was ‘Trinity Sunday’. Despite its potential obscurity, Trinity Sunday is a great ...
The Board of Deacons addressed the scandal at a church meeting Wednesday night, WGN-TV revealed, and said that Schaap, 54, has admitted to the inappropriate relationship with a church member who was ...
Bob Marley was born on Feb 6., and although many are familiar with the reggae legend as a Rastafarian, others may be surprised to hear that he was baptized as an Orthodox Christian before his death.
As an occasional web surfer I came across a list of great preachers of the twentieth century which sounded interesting as I have the distinction, like millions upon millions of others around the world ...
"Good morning to everybody that is meeting together in the Melbourne Town Hall on this Australia day. I can't think of a more important thing to be doing than to Unite in Prayer on this, our National ...
Easterfest has secured the 2009 Australian Idol winner, Stan Walker, for an exclusive appearance at Easterfest 2010. Stan Walker, the 19 year old R&B singer/songwriter, stole the hearts of millions of ...
The saga of Mars Hill and its aftermath is continuing to generate division in the evangelical Christian community as sharp differences emerged in response to Mark Driscoll's decision to plant a new ...
On the 11th of November 2013, it will be my first wedding anniversary with my beloved husband, Nathanael Yates. Whilst I am very excited to be celebrating our first wedding anniversary, I am also in a ...
Well-Being Australia chairman, Australian Baptist minister Mark Tronson, has been reflecting over the past twelve months on the ministry of an US athlete who is a house hold name in that country, as ...
Recently I was asked to convey five great theological themes presented squarely in the Scriptures and to explain and display them in such a way that an ordinary person might exclaim, "hey, I ...
The entire board of Willow Creek Church, with its lead pastor Heather Larson, is to stand down in the wake of fresh allegations about the conduct of its founding pastor Bill Hybels and concern about ...