Three researchers from Erasmus University have secured a prestigious Vici grant from NWO. With this grant, which can amount to up to 1.5 million euros, Loes Keijsers, Willem de Koster, and Martijn ...
The relay strike was announced earlier and is being organised by WOinActie, in collaboration with trade unions AOb, FNV, and LSVb. According to them, the announced cuts of over one billion euros will ...
A spokesperson for Namens de Familie, the organisation representing the family of the neighbour and her daughter, told AD that the appeal comes as a blow to the bereaved. The lawyer explained the ...
“He really looks like a James Bond villain”, historian Daniël Knegt jokes as a black-and-white photo of Mussolini appears on screen in a packed Erasmus Paviljoen. He has just started his lecture, ...
The backstage area of Amare, the prestigious venue located in The Hague, is filled with the sound of 84 student musicians from all over the Netherlands warming up with their instrument at once, ...
Under Herman Gerritsen’s management, the Erasmus University collection of economic medals has doubled in size. He has photographed and described nearly 650 medals that may be called on for the ongoing ...
EM TV newsflash: Money back after DUO discrimination, UvA protester sentenced, and according to European scientists, Trump threatens academic freedom.
Ook Pippi Langkous en James Bond ontkomen er niet aan. De Oempa Loempa’s van Roald Dahl zijn tegenwoordig genderneutraal en ...
Een kwart van de masteropleidingen laat geen hbo’ers toe, blijkt uit onderzoek van de Onderwijsinspectie. Universiteiten zijn ...
Ieder zichzelf respecterende organisatie vindt zichzelf elke paar jaar weer opnieuw uit. Bij wasmiddel resulteert dat in ...
Er is een minder glamoureuze kant aan de intellectuele reis van de academicus, schrijft columnist Irena Bošković. Hoe meer je ...
Moeten studieverenigingen kritischer kijken naar hun samenwerking met bedrijven? Die vraag stelde EM vorige week, nadat ...