Magnified images show the increase in blood stem cell production that occurred when a second wave of inflammatory signaling was delayed in zebrafish embryos. The blood stem cells are colored green.
RNA is expelled from cells via cell death or active release, and can then find its way into blood plasma. A Cornell University-led collaboration has developed machine learning models that use these ...
University of Tennessee entomology graduate student Holly Brabazon harvests cacao pods from wild trees in Belize.
Criollo cacao trees are highly valuable but can be difficult to grow. They are rarely seen in cultivation compared to other cacao groups.
Researchers at the University of Michigan Health Rogel Cancer Center have uncovered a key reason why a typically normal ...
An Osaka Metropolitan University-led team has uncovered clues to the mechanism behind vitiligo, a skin pigmentation disorder ...
There has been a rapid expansion in growing crops such as maize to produce biomethane as a cleaner alternative to fossil ...
Researchers at ETH Zurich and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems have developed a robotic leg with artificial muscles. Inspired by living creatures, it jumps across different terrains in ...
Prof. Dr. Michael N. Hall from the Biozentrum of the University of Basel has been awarded the 2024 Balzan Prize for ...
A Ludwig Cancer Research study has discovered that recurrent tumors of the aggressive brain cancer glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) grow out of the fibrous scars of malignant predecessors destroyed by ...
Investigators at U-M who are studying the nature of consciousness have successfully used the drug to identify the intricate brain geometry behind the unconscious state, offering an unprecedented look ...
Researchers at UC San Francisco are getting closer to being able to predict sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS.