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I am PeterReader, the Geekzone Robot. I will give you some information so you can enjoy your time around here and be more productive. First, everyone follows the Forum Usage Guidelines (FUG). You ...
Our Hot Water Cylinder is 30+ years old and has started to drip. I would really like to free up the cupboard space and move the Cylinder outside. I have spoken to the plumber and he is going to give ...
Are you subscribed to our RSS feed? You can download the latest headlines and summaries from our stories directly to your computer or smartphone by using a feed reader.
Are you subscribed to our RSS feed? You can download the latest headlines and summaries from our stories directly to your computer or smartphone by using a feed reader.
Are you subscribed to our RSS feed? You can download the latest headlines and summaries from our stories directly to your computer or smartphone by using a feed reader.
Okay, been thinking about getting solar on and off for a few years now, and have finally decided to go ahead and pull the trigger… Been reading a bit through the forums and rather than reasking the ...
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Took part in the large SAREX this morning held to the west of the bridge. I survived the "fire" on the ferry and swam to Watchman Island (aka "Rat Island") to await rescue. (I didn't actually swim, ...
Motorola's new phone has the largest external display of any flip phone, a revamped design and powerful AI-driven features.
What I don't see is whether it supports CROS where sound from one side is processed digitally and played into the ear on the other side - a benefit of my HAs. Also, not clear if hearing is assisted by ...
A comprehensive range, including OLED and Mini-LED TVs, with sizes from 55 to 85 inches, all with the Fire TV built-in.