Items to be exhibited Automation & Smart Production Solutions, Machine Components, Abrasive Machining, Sawing & Finishing, Metal Removing, Additive Manufacturing, Quality Assurance, Fabricating & ...
This program was designed to certify overseas restaurants, bars and retailers which carry Japanese food and beverages as official “Japanese Food Supporters” in order to further promote Japanese ...
Inquiry Form : Message from organizer Fi Asia has proven to be a central platform to drive ...
Meat and Meat Products, Cooked Meats, Poultry, Eggs, Dairy Products, Cheese, Ice Cream, Groceries, Cereals, Pasta, Spices, Kitchen Herbs, Vegetable Fats, Juices ...
Address : C-3-16 Southgate Commercial Centre, No 2 Jln Dua, Off Jln Chan Sow Lin 55200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ...
On August 9, JETRO Chairman and CEO Ishiguro Norihiko attended the “Central Asia + Japan” Business Forum (hosted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan Association for Trade with Russia ...
Items to be exhibited Agriculture, Energy, ICT, Tourism, Financial Services, Exporting and Local Trade, Construction, Media, Health, Sports and Culture ...
On July 31, JETRO, together with the People's Government of Shandong Province and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), hosted the “The 2024 Dialogue with Shandong: Japan ...
イタリア前首相で欧州中央銀行(ECB)総裁を務めたマリオ・ドラギ氏は9月9日、 「欧州の競争力の未来」と題する報告書 を発表した。報告書は、戦略分野におけるEUの地位低下の原因を特定し、即座に実施可能な政策を提示しており、EUの新たな産業戦略の在り方を示すものとなっている。欧州委員会の今後の政策( 2024年7月30日記事参照 )を占う上で重要な資料になるとみられる。