The free marketeer Ludwig Erhard was the architect behind Germany’s spectacular economic recovery after the devastation of World War II. Following World War II, Germany’s economy was in ruins and was ...
A collection of nine original essays by top philosophers introducing the major moral theories and how they support a libertarian political system. With personal stories, historical anecdotes, ...
Portraits of Liberty investigates the lives and philosophies of thinkers throughout history who argued in favor of a freer world.
“They…are sleeping [on] a volcano…A spirit now…ready to be awakened, will take sweet vengeance on the enormities it has suffered.” Frances Whipple was a ...
In this duo, Leggett gives his most powerful and elegant expressions of the Classical Liberal theory of class conflict in the “exceptional” United States. The New York state “Restraining Law,” was one ...
This open letter was addressed by Murray Rothbard to the libertarians attending the YAF national convention in St. Louis during the Labor Day weekend of 1969. I grew up a right- winger, and became ...
In the most difficult period for his party and his movement since their inceptions, John L. O’Sullivan attempted to brace up the troops and squeeze out a victory. In 1837, John Lewis O’Sullivan and ...
Federalists didn’t respect Democrats; Democrats hated Federalists. Libertarians know neither can be trusted with power. But they always knew Anarch was still out there. They saw him in the faces of ...
In Restoration- era Virginia, exiled Parliamentarians, New Model Army veterans, radical Dissenters, and African slaves joined powers to revolutionize their colony. In the early 1660s, England’s ...
Pater patriae of the United States of America. Commander- in- Chief of the Continental Army from 1755 to 1783; President of the United States from 1789 to 1797. Upon his election as President in April ...
Condorcet was simultaneously one of the most significant Enlightenment thinkers, proto- libertarians, and philosophical historians of progress. The Marquis de Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de ...