Cultural misunderstandings can lead to international students being referred for academic misconduct. An answer for ...
In today’s rapidly evolving job market, innovation and creativity have become crucial skills for graduates. Our research has shown that employers are looking for employees who can think outside the ...
With more than 150 higher education providers in the UK, the sector is highly competitive. Faculties need to work to ensure that students in post-compulsory education who study their subject at an ...
As educators, we often focus on what we need to cover in the course so that students’ learning can be measured through course learning outcomes (CLOs).This is normally the approach many, if not all, ...
How can we enrich education using immersive field studies? Our MSc course “Identity, transnationalism and the media” demonstrated the power of experiential learning.This course explored the interplay ...
Most new faculty members do not imagine that one day they could become an academic administrator. However, the enthusiasm to ignite, inspire and lead change at a committee, departmental or faculty ...
Test 1: ChatGPT4 and ChatGPT4o The prompting process for ChatGPT4 was straightforward and intuitive and the outputs accurate. Its activity suggestions were sensible, appropriate and varied, and it was ...
Previously, I wrote about the harmful effects of linguistic racism on the mental well-being of international students, in a resource titled Linguistic racism can take a high toll on international ...
Are you frustrated that the fascinating story about your work is not being heard? You’re telling it, but the world just isn’t listening. Maybe it’s because academic ways of communicating are often the ...
Listen to this podcast on Spotify or Apple podcasts. What is an intelligent campus? How is technology blurring, or extending, the borders of the modern university? And how do you build belonging when ...
Instead of fighting against the dawn of artificial intelligence, educators should be teaching future interpreters the skills to use it effectively. Here’s how The advancement of artificial ...
As the new academic year approaches, one common challenge facing all of us who teach is the identification and implementation of effective teaching development strategies. We all want to improve our ...