Spokesperson Troy Pantouw predicted that the Garuda Presidential Palace in the new capital city, Nusantara (IKN).
Donald Trump was the target of what the FBI said “appears to be an attempted assassination” at his golf club in West Palm ...
Former President Donald Trump confirmed Thursday that he has no intention of facing off against his Democratic opponent, Vice ...
Singapore, VIVA – Arriving in Singapore from Timor-Leste, Pope Francis made the biggest transition of his 12-day trip to Asia and the Pacific, moving from one of the world's poorest countries to one ...
"Congratulations to athletes of the Paris 2024 Paralympics who have succeeded in achieving remarkable accomplishments and bringing extraordinary pride to our nation," the president stated in his ...
The vice president also outpaced both debate watchers’ expectations for her and Joe Biden’s onstage performance against the former president earlier this year, the poll found. Debate watchers said, 63 ...
Lebih dari 100 orang mantan narapidana kasus terorisme (napiter) di Medan, Sumatera Utara, ikut membantu pemerintah untuk ...
Selain stunting, masalah malnutrisi di Indonesia jadi perhatian serius. Laporan Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) kasus ...
LKPP tengah mempersiapkan regulasi dan pedoman untuk skema pengadaan dalam rangka menyukseskan program Makan Bergizi Gratis, ...
Calon Anggota Dewas KPK, Liberti Sitinjak mengatakan bahwa sampai saat ini masih marak terjadinya kasus korupsi di lingkungan ...
Menteri Perdagangan Zulhas menyebut penerapan Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) menjadi faktor penentu dalam ...
Kelas menengah diprediksi akan menghilang dalam beberapa tahun ke depan. Proyeksi mengacu pada beberapa faktor ekonomi.