When the CDU motions passed on Wednesday evening, by four votes, an eerie silence hung for a moment over the Bundestag chamber. Then AfD parliamentarians began applauding what they see as the first chink of light in the CDU’s so-called “firewall” against political co-operation with them.
The German parliament has strengthened maternity protection for women who have suffered miscarriages. The new regulation would entitle women who miscarry after the 13th week of pregnancy to maternity leave.
"We must never fail again the way we failed in Afghanistan," said Schahina Gambir, a 23- year-old Green Party parliamentarian. She was on the Enquete Commission, which for two and a half years scrutinized the ultimately unsuccessful international mission in Afghanistan that operated from 2001 to 2021.
For the first time in the 75-year post-war history of the German parliament, one of the major parliamentary groups has made common cause with fascists to help an authoritarian and racist motion achieve a breakthrough.
Friedrich Merz, the front-runner to become Germany’s next chancellor, relied on votes from the far-right AfD to push an anti-migration motion through parliament.
R ARELY HAS the Bundestag known such drama. On January 29th, to scenes of uproar in Germany’s parliament, a tiny majority of mps approved a radical five-point plan to curb irreg
The former German Chancellor has publicly criticised her former party in the wake of far-right AfD's rising popularity.
A commission of German experts from politics, business and science is calling on the next government to engage in strategic cooperation with the countries of the so-called Global South, with labour migration a key issue.
On Wednesday, with the support of the Alternative for Germany, the Christian Democrats passed a motion on migration policy through the Bundestag which abrogates fundamental constitutional principles and European law.
Friedrich Merz, Germany's conservative CDU leader and candidate for chancellorship, receives votes and applause from the far-right AfD party in the Bundestag –