A stunning city that's distinguished by its endless canals all navigated by colorful boats earning its nickname of being the ...
Winding navigable canals, picturesque fondamenti lined with pastel-hue buildings, and impossibly narrow alleys that lead to ...
Featuring winding canals, Art Nouveau architecture and colourful tapered boats, this city has its own unique attractions to offer tourists looking for an alternative to Venice ...
You'd be forgiven for thinking this European gem is found in northern Italy.
A Ria de Aveiro tem um património fabuloso. A foz do rio Vouga alarga-se por múltiplos canais ao longo da costa numa extensão de quase 50 quilómetros de Ovar até Mira. A riqueza do património natural ...
During the 19th century, they were used to harvest moliço, a type of seaweed found in the Aveiro lagoon – hence the name. After being dried, the seaweed was used as a fertiliser. Nowadays ...
On a record combining driving rhythms, cinematic synths, and snatches of home videos, Trevor Powers sketches a gothic frontier strewn with fabled characters and blood relations. In 2023, Youth ...