Some believe the site was used for high-level intelligence briefings and diplomatic talks with Soviet officials.
The Great Ambition' biopic of Italy's late Communist Party leader Enrico Berlinguer has been sold widely by Fandango Sales.
Two mass graves containing the remains of executed individuals from the Greek Civil War have been discovered in Thessaloniki.
The Heritage Foundation’s 2025 Index of Economic Freedom ranked Georgia’s business climate as equivalent to that in Belgium, ...
Jason Kale Clampit was sentenced to eight years in prison for making ricin, a biological weapon favored by assassins and terrorists.
The war is exacerbating a demographics decline that had already started well before Putin ordered his troops across the ...
Trump’s return has left Europe’s main military pact looking less assured. Now defence is being reshaped on the continent.
For too long, we in the West have underestimated Putin’s global ideological vision as an animating force for his foreign-policy agenda. The tragic consequence is that today Putinism is advancing ...
At the moment, there is no peace agreement on Ukraine, the work on its preparation is underway. But, if the position of ...