Some believe the site was used for high-level intelligence briefings and diplomatic talks with Soviet officials.
The Great Ambition' biopic of Italy's late Communist Party leader Enrico Berlinguer has been sold widely by Fandango Sales.
This little-visited European capital has streets paved in gold and a fascinating Communist past.
Two mass graves containing the remains of executed individuals from the Greek Civil War have been discovered in Thessaloniki.
Dragi Karov, a Macedonian Bulgarian from Veles, faced police questioning on March 3rd, Bulgaria's National Liberation Day, ...
It also doesn’t shy away from its most recent, Communist history. The hands-on Red Flat takes you into an average 1980s Bulgarian family home during Communist Sofia – book ahead for this popul ...
The Heritage Foundation’s 2025 Index of Economic Freedom ranked Georgia’s business climate as equivalent to that in Belgium, ...
They met in Paris in 1958, when Christo — who had fled communist Bulgaria to pursue art — was commissioned to paint a portrait of Jeanne-Claude’s mother. The two fell in love and came to New ...