A political storm is brewing in India, with the first waves already hitting the southern part of the country.Leaders there ...
As the US passes transphobic laws on disputed scientific grounds, a new analysis of a survey of over 135,000 European LGBT ...
Soviet population has dropped by about 45% -- from 52 million to 29 million on territory that Kyiv controls. Some seven ...
Geneva is a wealthy city, with enviable pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and it has already successful transitioned ...
Mapping prepared by a Victorian climate action group shows just how far the impacts of a nuclear disaster could spread, if ...
About two fifths of new incapacity benefit claimants under 25 came directly from education. The latest DWP analysis shows ...
Isaac Henrion, who owns Isaac’s Bagels in Durham, North Carolina, swiftly backed out of a Jewish food festival to avoid ...
The Richard B. Russell Scenic Highway provides one of Georgia’s most beautiful drives, with overlooks offering panoramic ...
Wildfires fueled by high winds continued to sweep across the state of Oklahoma on Monday. As Oklahomans assessed the ...
Research on the best cities to visit for a holiday romance reveals more about nightlife, happiness and acceptance in Europe ...
For centuries, historians and scientists have speculated about the physical appearance of our ancestors. What color were ...