Gilbert Memorial C.M.E Church, 713 Redwood Avenue, phone: 940-500-4548: The church will be celebrating their 120th ...
The Europeans instruments have somehow survived multiple centuries, are now being heard at First Presbyterian Church off ...
On February 23, the congregation of the Lawton Community Presbyterian Church bid farewell to Rev. Ken Meissner, who had ...
Development plans stalled for the St. Paul's German Evangelical Church on E. Broadway that was damaged by fire last October ...
First Presbyterian unveiled its final concept plans last spring for about 200 housing units at its property off Center Street ...
Nashville church and its pastor say progression for Steven Lawson, following his ouster from Dallas church, is a hopeful ...
of U.S. adults identify as Christians. Note: 1% did not answer the question. Figures may not sum to 100% due to rounding. Explore charts about: Explore charts about: Search by region, state, or metro ...
When Lim Nara first heard that the South Korean parliament had voted to impeach President Yoon Suk Yeol last December, she ...
In two upcoming events, Memorial Park Church in McCandless hopes to pack 250,000 meals for local distribution, requesting aid from the public for the second event. Memorial Park, an Evangelical ...
A permanent committee of the conservative Presbyterian Church in America issued a statement earlier this week in the wake of ...
Conspiracy theories, such as claims that Jews are part of a “globalist elite” that controls world affairs. Apocalyptic ...
The hope, said one faith leader, was to dispute the idea that Christians, 'including those that come from more conservative ...