The country’s first official flag to fly over Greek land, not sea, was a stark white cross over a deep blue background. The ...
On the occasion of Greece's National Day, which celebrates the anniversary of its War of Independence against the Ottoman ...
A bipartisan bill in the Ohio Statehouse would ban homeowners associations and landlords from prohibiting thin blue line ...
Monday’s celebration took place ahead of the Transgender Day of Visibility on March 31. Sera Fernando, the manager of the ...
Just like being gay, straight, or bi, the term pansexual refers to a sexual orientation. It’s used by people who can feel ...
There are stark differences between the colors of the rainbows we see in nature and the ones on the LGBTQIA+ pride flag. While both natural rainbows and the pride flag share a spectrum of colors, ...
Patricia Archie-Jackson claims she designed the Spring Lake town flag and created its motto in 1978 as a student. The Town of Spring Lake maintains the flag and motto resulted from a "composite" ...
Mr Kumar's design was chosen from 3,000 entries submitted nationwide, and he received an award of Rs 2.5 lakh. The symbol is ...
March 25 marks Greek Independence Day, a holiday celebrated by Greeks all over the world. In Montreal, the local Greek ...