The pope’s embrace of literature and history is a sharp contrast to some of his predecessors, a medievalist explains.
President Trump is pushing to end the war that has been raging in Ukraine for more than three ... It all depends on which lessons from history turn out to be the right ones.
Representatives from Russia and Ukraine will be in meetings to try to hammer out details of a ceasefire on Monday. But peace is still a long way off. The long history of Russia's broken promises ...
There’s always someone behind me with an orange wig on or an Irish flag. I never thought coming out here that it was going to ...
An interview with Maria Popova, co-author of the new book, Russia and Ukraine: Entangled Histories, Diverging States. The ...
This is Naipaulesque writing. With its wide scope and rigorous attention to detail, The Village of One might well be the most discerning history book about modern T&T, and undoubtedly the best ...
In case of abuse, Last year, I included The Shochet: A Memoir of Jewish Life in Ukraine and Crimea, Volume I, in my list of the Five Best Books of 5784. Translated by Michoel Rotenfeld ...
Teenagers in temporarily occupied territories secretly read Ukrainian literature despite the risks. Source: The Guardian ...
By Lauren Christensen “I’ve had to set that limiting belief aside,” she says, “in order to write other kinds of books without feeling like an interloper.” Her new guidebook is called ...
The first vessel of its type that made the full crossing was discovered in the Aldan Estuary in Galicia in November 2019. It had crossed the Atlantic from Colombia laden with more than three ...
A British woman has been evacuated from a cruise ship off the coast of Spain by the coastguard after suffering a heart-related emergency. She was rushed to hospital after the incident on the Sky ...