A new study published in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science, has uncovered evidence of far-reaching ecosystem ...
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Known for their powerful ability to launch out of the water in pursuit of prey, the loss of great white sharks from False Bay ...
An National Football League player has a shark tale to tell after he caught a great white shark off the<a class="excerpt-read-more" href=" More ...
Global Shark Tracker is buzzing with activity, with a Triple Shark Ping Alert ranging from North Carolina to Palm Bay.
A male great white shark, nicknamed Contender, has been tagged by researchers from the non-profit group OCEARCH off the coast ...
The movie that made Steven Spielberg a household name and redefined box-office success is turning 50 this year.
A real-life "Sharktopus" situation unfolded in the Hauraki Gulf near Kawau Island in New Zealand, and scientists couldn't ...
A pair of North Carolina fishermen recently reeled in a Great White Shark during a 30-minute encounter before releasing it ...
Florida researchers have identified a record-breaking great white shark as it is tracked down Florida's coastline ahead of ...
Shark lab researchers say they have a mountain of tracking data that shows juvenile great whites, some as long as nine feet, ...
A non-profit organization focused on monitoring and conserving marine life is tracking several large sharks off the coast of ...