Manufacturers When the rug was pulled from Group B rallying after the horrific deaths of Henri Toivonen and Sergio Cresto, ...
Occasionally known as the R5 Turbo, the Renault 5 Turbo is a rally car from the 1980s that completed just before the start of ...
The very mention of Group B rallying sends shivers down the spines of rally enthusiasts. Group B cars competed from 1982 to 1986, under rules that allowed manufacturers free rein to build cars ...
Over at Ford Motorsport, chief rally engineer John Wheeler also remembers the pain of producing homologation cars. ‘Building 400 cars for Group 4 was a massive task for a manufacturer,’ he says.
Narrator: This right here is the longest jump ever recorded in the World Rally Championship - 278 feet! That's nearly the length of a football field! So what kind of car did driver Sebastien Loeb ...
This will always be the sound of rally to me ... we can still see glimpses of the potential that Group S held in demonstration runs for cars like this one. Great work getting this one back ...