În plus, deși s-a format un nou guvern pro-european alcătuit din patru partide, stabilitatea acestuia rămâne incertă, notează Allianz Trade în analiza lor privind Harta Riscurilor de Țară. România a ...
The final assessment of Bulgaria’s readiness lies with the European Central Bank and the European Commission. SOFIA - Bulgaria is fully prepared to adopt the euro from 1 January 2026 ...
Thousands of supporters of Bulgaria’s far-right Revival party tried to break into the headquarters of the European Union mission in Sofia during a protest against the country’s plans to adopt the euro ...
Night - Partly cloudy. Winds W at 6 to 11 mph (9.7 to 17.7 kph). The overnight low will be 32 °F (0 °C). Cloudy with a high of 37 °F (2.8 °C) and a 57% chance of precipitation. Winds variable ...
I’ll take the leap and go to Bulgaria myself,” he said. Now 22 and in the third year of his medical degree, Patel is part of a growing pipeline of EU-trained talent entering the NHS ...
Pe malurile Mării Baltice, în sudul Danemarcei, a început construcția care va transforma radical rețeaua rutieră și feroviară a Europei. Este vorba despre tunelul Fehmarnbelt, o construcție ...
Deși lungimea sa de 18 kilometri este considerabil mai mică decât cei 50 de kilometri ai Tunelului Mânecii, proiectul se distinge prin faptul că va deveni cel mai lung tunel rutier și feroviar din ...
A Finance Ministry statement after the February 17 meeting of the Eurogroup said that Petkova, who attended the meeting, said that given its prudent fiscal policy, Bulgaria had long deserved ...
Ten police were injured and six people arrested on February 22 as supporters of pro-Kremlin minority party Vuzrazhdane vandalised and attempted to storm the building of the European Commission and ...
(AP Photo/Valentina Petrova) A protester wearing a mask of Donald Trump with a sign “Make Bulgaria strong again” shows thumb down during a protest demanding the government to scrap plans to take the ...
Compania Națională de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere (CNAIR) a publicat recent noile tarife pentru rovinietă, valabile în luna martie 2025. Aceasta este taxa necesară pentru utilizarea rețelei ...