Pe malurile Mării Baltice, în sudul Danemarcei, a început construcÈ›ia care va transforma radical reÈ›eaua rutieră È™i feroviară ...
Tunelul Fehmarnbelt, care va lega Danemarca de Germania, va include două benzi de autostradă în fiecare direcÈ›ie È™i două ...
Asociatia care monitorizeaza proiectele de infrastructura mare din Romania arata, dupa ce observa santierele de cale ferata dintre Cluj-Napoca si frontiera cu Ungaria, ca putem doar visa la 12 Martie ...
The 24/25 Premier League season is well underway but which positions will see teams qualify for the Champions League, Europa League and Europa Conference League? Definitely four teams and possibly ...
The 2024/25 UEFA Europa League final will take place at San Mamés Stadium in Bilbao, Spain. The 2024/25 UEFA Europa League season will conclude at San Mamés Stadium in Bilbao, Spain. With a ...
The UEFA Europa League’s new expanded format takes flight for the 2024-25 season, and it’s more straight-forward than it seemed at the first thoughts of change. Just like the reorganized UEFA ...
A swift way to get into the mix in the all-time UEFA Europa League top scorers list is to have a standout campaign, as seen by Radamel Falcao’s 17 goals for Porto in 2010/11, which remains a record.
Codul Rutier 2025. Iată ce riscă È™oferul care refuză să semneze procesele-verbale pentru amenda rutieră. Ce arată legislaÈ›ia în vigoarea È™i în ce condiÈ›ii poate fi anulată o amendă de circulaÈ›ie.
The members of the European Council are the heads of state or government of the 27 EU member states, the European Council President and the President of the European Commission.