Up next on the walking tour is the Los Angeles Water and Power Building on Nevada Way, where managers in the art deco-influenced offices represented Hoover Dam’s largest hydroelectric power ...
From outside, this vast construction is about size, scale and spectacle. Once inside, it becomes more about appreciating how ...
The solar array isn’t the only plan China has for space research—it also plans to reach the Moon and build an International ...
The four power marketing administrations sell and transmit hydropower from a range of federally owned dams, including the Bonneville Dam in the Pacific Northwest and the Hoover Dam in the Southwest.
From deadly wildfires to shrinking ice sheets, the signs of climate change are everywhere. These photos show the effects of ...
Trump’s early actions, including ordering the US Army Corps of Engineers to open two California dams, have led to concerns ...
The Biden administration pumped millions into conservation contracts to keep water in Lake Mead. The Trump administration ...
The Gila River Indian Community negotiated the release of $105 million for conservation initiatives along the Colorado River.
President Herbert Hoover and first lady Lou Hoover hosted the traditional New Year’s Reception at the White House on ...