Landlords have a right to choose who lives in their property, but those rights aren’t absolute.
Today, city code’s residency requirement applies to only 12 public officials — at least three of whom, per public records, do not live in Richmond.
Smart contracts have revolutionized how contracts are being executed, adding automation, transparency, and security to various industries.
Most people think that improving the CIBIL score is a difficult task, but let us tell you that it is not so at all. To improve the CIBIL score (Cibil score importance), you have to follow some special ...
The Department of Housing has been accused of downplaying the true number of people languishing on council home waiting lists ...
"The government are also limiting the amount of rent up front landlords ... allocated to the Affordable Homes Programme, ...
Elon Musk's men at HUD come from the real estate sector. They have access to vast stores of personal and financial data—and ...
Real estate investing can be a powerful wealth-building tool -- but if you're not strategic, taxes can take a big bite out of your profits. Find Out: Can You Write Off Your Home Insurance on ...
Letters for March 12
Wow! Rep. Michael Baumgartner publicly proclaimed President Trump lacks common sense. In the March 5 edition of The Spokesman-Review he and Edmund Schweitzer criticized the Trump tariffs for the harm ...
A new online petition is calling on Chancellor Rachel Reeves to reinstate the annual Winter Fuel Payment to every older person on the Basic (old) State Pension. There are currently 13 million people ...
The Treasury will put the proposed cuts to the government's official forecaster, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), ...