LONDON - Once again, Ansarallah proves itself to be an influential force that cannot be ignored in creating a new map for the ...
Despite their troubled history, Iran has pursued a pragmatic approach to relations with Afghanistan under the Taliban. But ...
Dr Mahmood Kooria is an internationally acclaimed historian and researcher who recently won the Infosys award for social ...
Fr Peter Knox SJ from the Jesuit Institute South Africa writes: Towns and places mentioned in the time of Jesus and Paul are ...
Qatar’s Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani has issued a stark plea to the United States and Israel to ...
While the international community has its eyes on President Trump's efforts to bring the war in Ukraine to a close, and to ...
Home to about 15 million of Pakistan’s estimated 240 million people, according to the 2023 census, Balochistan remains the ...
An alleged Russian drone has hit the shield containing the contaminated materials at the former Chernobyl nuclear power plant ...
No matter how many times he tries, Donald Trump just can’t seem to get this one geography question right ... Indonesia, UAE, and Iran. BRICS did not break up. In fact, Trump’s America First ...
Just as discoveries of fossil fuel reserves helped to shape the 20th century, the race for critical minerals is shaping the 21st. These minerals are seen a ...
Infotech giant Google, which rules our communications life, has taken the delicate political balancing route: its users in the USA will see only the new name, while its users in Mexico will see only ...
Last week during President Trump’s State of the Union, he declared: “As commander in chief, my focus is on building the most ...