US-based PharmaJet, a company dedicated to enhancing injectable performance through needle-free injection technology, has ...
In a successful operation by Keamari District’s Anti-Street Crime Cell, police arrested a suspect involved in the killing of a young man ...
Dr Syed Nawaz Al-Huda, a regional planner, revealed that tamarisk forests, which were being cut down from the areas near Korangi Creek Industrial Park and Macchar Colony, had a role to play in ...
KARACHI: The Mustafa murder case witnessed a key development on Friday as the body, presumed to be that of the slain BBA student, was exhumed from Keamari graveyard. Samples were taken from the ...
ISLAMABAD: The Regional Reference Laboratory for Polio Eradication at Pakistan’s National Institute of Health has confirmed the detection of polio virus ...
Resources, extremism and resistance' is the theme of the second Sindh Nari Day that is to be celebrated at the Karachi Press Club on February 22. The organisers of the event told The Express ...