The couple met in 2005 while Kopitar was in Maribor for the Under-18 World Championship ... the wedding was at Otocec Castle in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ines and Anze Kopitar are a family of four.
Anze and Ines met in 2005 during the Under-18 World Championship in Maribor. After dating for eight years, they married in 2013 at Otocec Castle in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The couple's daughter ...
Senegal ; UGM Maribor, Slovenia, among others. Ângela Ferreira, born in 1958 in Maputo, Mozambique, grew up in South Africa and obtained her MFA from the Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of ...
Kristjan Čeh je na dvodnevnem 24. evropskem pokalu v metih v Nikoziji na Cipru dosegel najboljši slovenski izid, ko je bil v soboto drugi v metu diska s 65,69 metra na svoji prvi tekmi v sezoni. Drugi ...