With a single tusk that made him stand out, the majestic bull elephant Unicorn was a true king among the wild herds of ...
People take a lot of time caring for their land, then the elephants come "when you have planted the crops and they are almost mature", says Emmanuel Mwamba, a farmer who lives in Mwakoma, Kenya, a ...
India throws up headlines that boggle the imagination and tickle the funny bone. Here's The Telegraph Online's weekly ...
BARDIYA, March 13: A man was killed in a wild elephant attack in Bardiya on Wednesday night. The victim has been identified ...
It was evident on Sunday when thousands of supporters welcomed the country’s former King Gyanendra Shah to Kathmandu with pro-monarchy demonstrations in the Himalayan Republic. Watch this report for ...
According to Chitwan National Park Information Officer Abinash Thapa Magar, Mahato was attacked by an elephant on Saturday behind the Chitwan Adventure Hotel in Laukhani, Ratnanagar-7. Mahato died ...
According to Chitwan National Park Information Officer Abinash Thapa Magar, Mahato was attacked by an elephant behind the ...
Better habitat management, timely identification of problematic animals and increased community engagement are key for ...
A recent accident killed seven elephants, highlighting the enormity of this issue. While train-related elephant deaths account for only about 5% of total fatalities, these deaths are mostly ...
Two elephant Mahouts -- Kasim Ali (Kaziranga Range ... The Thailand training event was also attended by Mahouts from Nepal, Laos PDR, Thailand and Sri Lanka. The KNPTR, measuring about 1,300 ...