With the icebergs covering the seafloor, organisms below the shelf cannot get nutrients for survival from the surface. The ...
A “serendipitous” discovery offers new insights into how ecosystems can thrive beneath floating sections of the Antarctic ice ...
Three Florida Tech students are making a mechanical 'spy' manatee to covertly learn sea cows' deepest secrets.
As the US turns inwards, India will wait and watch for the dynamics to play out in the South China Sea dispute ...
He stands there. As the waves rise, roar and die. The solitary nerve in his heart comes alive; He breathes fresh again, ...
Beach saunas are all the rage and in Devon, Claire Spreadbury dips her toe in and finds herself- feeling as if she's floating ...
In its annual review of the past 12 months, Cumbria Wildlife Trust shares its highpoints for conservation and protection of Irish Sea wildlife ...
This season has seen a record number of sea turtles arriving on the shores of Anakapalle for nesting, indicating a rise in ...
Chinese and New Zealand scientists have successfully concluded a groundbreaking collaborative dive expedition to the Puysegur ...
FAIRBORN — The National Museum of the US Air Force hosted an event Saturday to educate visitors on the parallels between ...
Jersey Shore summer. Whether you’re a dedicated beach bum, a weekend warrior, or someone who just wants to dip their toes in ...
But Dubai should make that list — it’s a resort with guaranteed sun, top hospitality, the world’s best water park and the ...