KOMPAS.com - Pensiunan PNS berhak menerima tunjangan hari raya (THR) sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 14 Tahun 2024 tentang Pemberian THR dan Gaji ke-13 kepada ASN. Pencairan ...
The Iranian Armys four divisions, namely the Ground Force, Air Force, Navy and Air Defense, have been conducting a large-scale joint war game, codenamed Zolfaqar 1403, which covers a large area ...
A key component of the drill involved demonstrating the country's advanced air defense capabilities. Domestically developed systems, including the 15-Khordad, Monir, Majid, and Bavar-373, were ...
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Wakil Inspektur Jenderal (Wairjen) TNI, Mayjen Alvis Anwar, menilai, usia pensiun perwira TNI yang diusulkan naik dari 58 menjadi 60 tahun dalam revisi Undang-Undang TNI ...
Keuntungan kuliah di sekolah kedinasan yakni bisa diangkat jadi Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) pada masing-masing lembaga negara. Sesuai namanya, PKN STAN bisa menjadi kampus tujuan yang tepat bagi ...
Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) yang telah memasuki masa pensiun akan mendapatkan tunjangan atau 'gaji pensiunan'. Penasaran berapa gaji pensiunan PNS 2025? Simak di sini. Gaji pensiunan PNS ini merupakan ...
which covers a large area stretching from the northern Indian Ocean to the Makran coasts in southeastern Iran. During a joint missile operation on Tuesday, the Iranian Navy and the IRGC Aerospace ...
To help address its conventional military industrial disadvantages, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been converting commercial vessels into drone carriers and naval missile launch platforms. Tehran ...
which covers a large area stretching from the northern Indian Ocean to the Makran coasts in southeastern Iran. In an aerial operation during the war game on Monday, the Yak-130 military aircraft ...
A military helicopter from the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the main phase of the joint military exercise Zolfaqar along the Makran coastlines, in the Sea of Oman, and the northern ...
Tehran, IRNA – The Islamic Republic of Iran Army initiated the main phase of the joint exercise Zolfaqar 1403 on Saturday (February 22), across the Makran coastlines, the Sea of Oman, and the northern ...