They're not free from optical defects, and their size means you'll need a tripod, but we had hours of fun exploring the night sky and spotting ... some alternative models to consider.
We put Starfield Optics' flagship Géar telescope — the Starfield Géar 115 Triplet APO — to the test. It did not disappoint.
Leave common.gdshaderinc and flat_sky.gdshader where they are ... if working with the Forward+ or Mobile renderers. Keep your models low-poly, but if you're going for a PSX or Saturn look, consider ...
You thought Saturn's 146 moons were impressive? Think again. The ringed planet's moon count has nearly doubled with the ...
The discovery points to what astronomers have thought for decades, that Saturn's rings were caused by a massive collision about 100 million years ago.
An international team of astronomers working with the Canada France Hawaii Telescope have discovered a whopping 128 more ...
Scientists believe that the moons are remnants of larger objects shattered by ancient collisions, a glimpse into the chaotic early solar system.
Saturn has decisively claimed the crown. With the discovery of 128 new moons, the ringed planet’s total count has soared to 274 — nearly twice as many as all other planets combined. Jupiter now trails ...
On Episode 152 of This Week In Space, Rod Pyle and Tariq Malik host Dr. Robert O'Brien, Director of the Universities Space ...
A shutdown would give Donald Trump the keys to the city, the state and the country,” Schumer said in a speech on the Senate ...
Gold is back at an ALL TIME HIGH, nudging US$2990/oz which, for those playing at home, puts us well within reach of the ...