ADONXS, a young Slovak musician living in Prague, will represent the Czech Republic at the 69th Eurovision Song Contest with 'Kiss Kiss Goodbye'.
The Czech Republic reinstated random border checks with Slovakia on Friday morning after Slovak veterinary authorities confirmed the highly contagious foot-and-mouth disease at three farms in the ...
Friday, March 21edition of Today in Slovakia - the main news of the day in less than five minutes.A livestock disease that has been absent from Slovakia for decades is back A highly contagious disease ...
The Czech Republic on Friday reinstated border controls with neighboring Slovakia in response to an outbreak of the ...
The United Nations (UN) hasn't sent any letter to Slovakia, Foreign and European Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) said in response to Friday's press conference by the opposition Freedom and ...
Slovak Minister Juraj Blanar said his nation is ready to offer territory for Russia-Ukraine peace negotiations ...
As of midnight last night (March 20), the Czech Republic reinstated the ban on importing farm animals from Slovakia and resumed extraordinary border checks with Slovakia due to the likely occurrence ...
Slovakia has detected cases of foot-and-mouth disease at three farms in the southern part of the country, Agriculture Minister Richard Takac was cited as saying by news website Dennik N and other ...
Slovak Foreign Minister Juraj Blanar says he feels India should be a permanent member of the UN Security Council ...
Slovak Foreign and European Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar feels India should become a permanent UN Security Council member | ...
The Museum held a ceremony to celebrate its Buresh Immigration Clock Tower playing its music once again after it stopped for ...