G7 foreign ministers took a tough stance on China on Friday, stepping up language on Taiwan and omitting some conciliatory ...
China's military vowed Sunday to tighten its "noose" around Taiwan if separatism on the island escalated, warning ...
China has lashed out at accusations it is endangering maritime safety made by top diplomats from the Group of 7 ...
Beijing lashes out at ‘arrogant and malicious’ G7 for criticism over South China Sea and Taiwan - G7 accused China of seeking ...
China has responded harshly to allegations made by the G7, accusing it of endangering maritime safety. The G7 criticized ...
Photos emerged Friday that apparently show China’s newly constructed and behemoth naval vessels that experts have reportedly ...
BEIJING: China strongly deplores and firmly opposes the G7 allegations of the South China Sea and China's economic ...
The statement dropped past reassurances, recently stated in November, that there is “no change in the basic position of the G ...
China has reportedly conducted amphibious landing drills in the South China Sea using specially designed vessels capable of rapidly deploying military vehicles and troops onto beaches. These exercises ...
CHINA will look to exploit a fragmented West while it waits for the “perfect moment” to launch an attack on Taiwan, an expert ...
Statement by foreign ministers gathered in Canada also highlights importance of ‘maintaining peace and stability’ across Taiwan Strait.