Prominent figures, including several Jewish leaders, have stayed away from an international conference on antisemitism held ...
The Iranian Ambassador suspects the involvement of superpowers in hindering the arrest of Benjamin Netanyahu by the ICC.
A draft resolution circulated by the Palestinian Authority would establish another open-ended forum to investigate Israelis ...
Yoav Kisch says he will not honor sociologist Eva Illoutz, citing 2021 document she signed with 180 others urging The Hague ...
Ex-Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte did not tell the International Criminal Court (ICC) to put US and Israeli leaders on ...
Here is a link to sign the statement. The statement in Japanese is here.  In responding to calls by Palestinians and condemning Israel’s settler ...
the international community may have been able to order Israel to abide by a ceasefire and halt the bloodletting under threat of sanctions. Urging the ICC to investigate US officials is a ...
The U.S. and Israel have adamantly rejected the actions by both international courts, accusing them of bias. Trump signed an ...
The ICC has 124 state parties. (Notably Israel, the United States, China, Russia and India have not signed up). Most (but not all) EU Member States have confirmed that they will cooperate with the ...