The Belarusian State University ( BSU) has fallen several hundred places in a year in the Times Higher Education 2025 ranking ...
Over the past four years, more than 40,000 video cameras have been installed on the streets of Belarusian cities. They are ...
Since November 2023, there's been no information about the former chairman of Belgazprombank, political prisoner Viktar ...
Prior to this, a plan-schedule for carrying out geological exploration works was prepared and approved by the government.
Belarusian roots were found in both scientists who were recently awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology.
Lukashenka is increasingly voicing the thesis that Belarus must participate in the negotiations on Ukraine. However, the autocrat's wishes are heard only in Belarus and the Kremlin. Historian and ...
The UK-based think tank presents the results of a new study on the attitude of Belarusians to Western countries.
Увечары 25 кастрычніка ў Кіеве ў Саломенскім раёне расійскі ўдарны беспілотнік трапіў у 25-павярховы жылы дом. Пашкоджаны ...
Лондонские букинисты выставили на продажу уникальную копию "Маленького принца". Священники Греции годами вкладывались в ...
В воскресенье ночью и утром в отдельных районах возможен туман. Осадки ожидаются только на северо-востоке Беларуси. Ночью ...
. У ёй можа быць каля 10 тысяч чалавек (а агулам іх можа быць у лістападзе ўжо 12 тысяч ). Высветлілася, што Пхеньян за год ...
Анне Канопацкой 47 лет. Она была в Объединенной гражданской партии, руководила минской организацией. В 2016-2019 годах была ...