Elias Khoury (1948-2024).
A shipyard is like a big factory, a tangle of cranes as tall as five-story buildings, sheds and dry docks. This is how the Fincantieri shipyards in Marghera appear as you cross the Mestre bridge, the ...
In his wonderful short text ‘Notes of a Publicist’—written in February 1922 when the Bolsheviks, after winning the Civil War against all odds, had to retreat into the New Economic Policy of allowing a ...
In State and Revolution, Lenin quotes and then comments on a passage in Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Programme as follows: ‘“Equal right” [of everyone to an equal product of labour] we certainly do ...
Zarathustra once ran into an old hermit so completely isolated from the world that he had not yet heard the news, namely that God was dead. One does not accuse Alain Badiou of such isolation; yet in ...
Iam sure that R.W. Davies, usually a rigorously accurate presenter even of facts which tell against his views, would wish you to correct some of the errors he presents in his article ‘Forced Labour ...
The emergence of China as the world’s economic powerhouse has shifted the centre of the global market eastwards. The prc’s growth rates are the envy of elites everywhere, its commodities circulating ...
My parents come from Hong Kong’s lower class, who mostly live in public-housing estates or villages. But they studied hard, did well in their exams, and got into Hong Kong University. With their ...
You will therefore guess what you hardly expected to be otherwise: that I am still concerned with the complex which may be designated by the rubrics—prehistory of the 19th century, dialectical image, ...
The long apologia that Schoppe wrote in Latin in 1618–19 remained unpublished. It survived in various copies, most of them under the title Machiavellica.footnote 5 It is an extremely repetitious work.