In this issue of the journal, the article ‘Developing the Allied Health Professionals workforce within mental health, learning disability, and autism inpatient services: Rapid review of learning from ...
1 Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 2 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 3 Department of Surgery, Johns ...
Background Patients can have an important role in reducing harm in primary-care settings. Learning from patient experience and feedback could improve patient safety. Evidence that captures patients’ ...
Centre for Clinical Psychology & Healthcare Research, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, Kielder House, Coach Lane Campus, Benton, Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7XA, UK The importance of good ...
Background Those working in healthcare today are challenged more than ever before to quickly and efficiently learn from data to improve their services and delivery of care. There is broad agreement ...
Correspondence to Dr Hugh McLeod, Health Economics Unit, University of Birmingham, Public Health Building, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK; h.s.t.mcleod{at} Objectives In line with a national policy ...
Patient safety has become an international priority with major research programmes being carried out in the USA, UK, and elsewhere. The challenge is how to organize research efforts that will produce ...
Background Experience-based codesign (EBCD) is an approach to health service design that engages patients and healthcare staff in partnership to develop and improve health services or pathways of care ...
1 Department of Medical Education, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, USA 2 Center for the Management of Complex Chronic Care, US Department of Veteran Affairs, University of Illinois, Chicago ...
Correspondence to Dr Bharat Kumar, The University of Iowa Roy J and Lucille A Carver College of Medicine, Iowa, IA 52242, USA; bharat-kumar{at} For the most part, the increased emphasis of ...
Background While the concept of collaboration is highly touted in the literature, most descriptions of effective collaboration highlight formal collaborative events; largely ignored are the informal ...